Develop Individualized Programs and Policies for your Setting
Salina & Associates develop interventions and provides training on Evidenced Based Programs and Practices (EBPP) for persons with substance use and mental health disorders both in the criminal justice system and in the community. We also provide training on proven interventions related to infectious diseases including STD/HIV.
- We can assist program administrators with developing policies and programs that match their unique circumstances. We have expertise in selecting curriculums and training staff on the use and implementation of the Evidenced Based Programs (EBPP) that fit your individual program needs.
- We have developed an integrated model of treatment for incarcerated women that utilizes various Evidenced Based Programs and is being implemented by our Salina & Associates’ professionals in a large correctional setting. This model can be modified for your specific program.
- We can assist your program staff in tailoring an integrated model of treatment that conserves staff time and existing resources. We develop procedures that ensure proper implementation of Best Practices for treatment. We work with you to improve specific policies for continuous quality improvement.
Salina & Associates focuses on helping improve your programming or policies within your agency or Correctional Healthcare System – whether you are focused on programs inside of a correctional facility or implementing reentry paths to the community.