
Salina & Associates provides individualized assessments of the areas you want to develop, modify or implement and then we collaboratively create solutions with you that will address your needs within your timeframe.

  • Our associates maintain consistent communication between your essential program staff and our team.
  • Our associates add value to our clients’ programs and systems by providing core competencies in multiple areas, containing costs through outsourcing your key professional expertise and activities and through modifying our services to address your programs’ changing demands.
  • Our associates consult to a variety of industries, including healthcare, criminal justice, community based agencies and governmental entities and we tailor our services to the specific needs to each.
  • Our associates work diligently to build a successful partnership that uses Best Practices to address the perspectives of multiple stakeholders and their needs. We provide our collective professional expertise to enhance our relationship with you through our participatory and collaborative philosophy.

Our Associates’ Expertise Includes:

  • Correctional Healthcare Programming and Policies
  • Mental Health, Substance Abuse, Co-Occurring Disorders Assessment and Treatment
  • Gender Specific Frameworks for Multiple Forms of Programming
  • Staff Training for Evidenced Based Programs and Practices
  • Maternal/Child Health Programming
  • Public Health Strategies
  • Peer-Based Programming
  • Policy Development & Implementation
  • Development of Continuity of Care Treatment Model
  • Proposal Writing and Review
  • Grant Making Programs – Design & Implementation
  • External Review of Proposals